
Assigment again and again
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Yoww yowww yowww. Hi guysssssssssssssssssss. How are you???? I hope you guys are in pink health as i am. Thanks guys for not being judgemental and praise me in my last entry. After getting positive feedback and comment about my brochure, Im thinking to share my another assigment here hehe. Well this is life in matric. There is no week not having assigment guys hahahahah. Chill and just do it even if you don't even feel like doing it just get that freaking thing done. You know what,  you will gain something beautiful later. Giving up is not an option. Okay whatever hahaha😜

"Your assignment for this week is to thinking map." said Madam.
Really  Thinking Map???? What is mind map?

Athinking map is are visual tools for learning, and include eight vicual patterns each linked to a specific cognitive process. There is eigth types of thinking map. The eight types are :

Circle Map
used for defining in context
Bubble Map
used for describing with adjectives
Flow Map
used for sequencing and ordering events
Brace Map
used for identifying part/whole relationships
Tree Map
used for classifying or grouping
Double Bubble Map
used for comparing and contrasting
Multi-flow map
used for analyzing causes and effects
Bridge map
used for illustrating analogies

^^^^^ credit to Mr.Google 😏

So ladies and gentlemen let me presenting to the world my mind map *just kidding*
Here you go
This is flow map.

Tree Map

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